First Bigger Ceiling on my own

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No big deal for you guys i know but this week i overboarded a 9' high ceiling for a friend - 6 sheets of 8x4 12mm board - 2 sheets long, 3 wide... and im gonna skim the bitch tomorrow.

ill be doing it on my own, ive got to get it right with the quantity of mix, timings and all the rest of it. a smaller area and i wouldnt worry but Im quietly nervous about this one, but if i can do it and do it well my confidence will get a healthy pat on the back.

ill let you know how i get on
why worry about quantity of material if you ve any left dump it in an empty bag it s a criminal offence when doing your own labouring to NOT mix enuff.
i do all my own labouring and i always use cream of tartar in my first coat, this gives me a little extra time to do the labouring without panicking,a big tablespoon in a bags worth does the trick.
what are you using scaffold wise i hope it s not step ladders this is a no no its slow ,awkward and dangerous.

good luck
thanks for the comments mate - i know i havent been on the forum that long - 4 months or so - but i still aint worked out if this cream of tartar is a wind up or not, dont mean to offend if it isnt.

ill be on a 500mm high 4' long hop up, im not kitted out with stilts, trestles and scaf planks, i only do a bit of plastering for myself, family and in this case a friend so dont have all the kit. No chance id do it off a ladder, id be farked come lunchtime
Forget stilts It's just as quick on a normal hop up just take you're time and concentrate on each bit at a time panickings the worse thing you can do you'll end up slapping it on and leave yourself more work to do remember mate plasters meant to go off or you'd never go home
Cheers spunky! i did a ceiling at home and spent so much time fking about trying to lay on neatly around the lighting cable, when i came back to test the first area for flattening in, it was virtually hard... i managed to rescue it but fk me did i panic... but wise words ill remember em tomorrow :eek:)

I think ill be alright on my own, its just cos its not in my house, so i wanna get it right.
Just relax with it mate and remember the more you **** about with it the worse it will get. Lay it on then give it a flat trowel over if it needs it before the second coat.
That cream of tartar does work i thought it was a piss take so i got a tub from Morrissons for a quid to try it yes it does work, personally id rather it set quicker than re***d it,
That IS a big ceiling for a first attempt, just dont panic and dont f*ck about fannying with bits.

You can PVA it to slow the set down, it stops the boards sucking the watter in.

Get a bag of jelly babies, they are great for energy, and I'm not taking the p1ss either.
i love my stilts much quicker with them just my personal opinion..:) just make sure all your bags and water are close by and like everyone says don't panic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dry roasted nuts go the toilet b4 pump up the radio and av it.flatten it to death sprinkle of water get yer money see ya.
yes jelly babies havent had them in years, cheers nelly now im goin to the shops to buy some. i find not bothering to go to work is great for energy haha:RpS_thumbup:
Get your scrim tapes on, mix enough for half the ceiling or enough that you can handle. Lay on the first coat, trowel flat then next coat.

Dont go down the route to hold back set times, as said mix enough that you know you can handle.

When one half is under control do the next half. You will be able to work both halves into each other.
Good luck mate, don't be tempted to mix it softer than usual to buy some time or you'll be covered in it:RpS_thumbup:
3 m2 per board x6 = 18m2 that is quite big for someones first youll be fine mate move quick but keep it neat and you wnt go wrong
just be confident mate look at that ceiling like a pittbull on a poodle and take the bull by the horns alot of animals i know but once u start u cant stop just go for it! id mix enough gear to 1st coat in one go, so i dont waste time stopping and mixing up again then if you can 1st coat quick enough so the plaster is still wet 2nd coat straight after dont worry about the trowel lines flatten it out with the 2nd coat then its on and done rest is easy.spotboard speeds it up to and loads eaiser
You could tape & joint it mate then paint it with this before they get back:RpS_wink:

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You could tape & joint it mate then paint it with this before they get back:RpS_wink:

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haha well good, that dont look anything like setting plaster though! way to light!

So true though, number of times customers have said to me "oo I like that colour, can we keep it" .. no you ******* cant, when it dries out it looks shite!
iv had a guy who did keep it:-0 plasterd his whole house and he kept on about how much he liked the colour, i left thinking he would still paint it once its dry, went back 2 years later to do some rendering and the whole house was still just plaster. hed just sealed it
o.... my..... god..... paint the colour of plaster... ive seen it all now i swear to god! :RpS_blink:
:RpS_laugh: still there wondering wtf went wrong... trowelling away like one of the 7 dwarfs..
Right - sorry for the delay in posting, was doing family stuff yesterday and Saturday after working i was fked... shoulder aching, neck aching, back aching.... but I did it, and did it as best as i could so Im well happy... not only that i did a fireplace wall that they wanted dot n dabbed too, cheers for your advice everyone


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LOL at the aching sholder, but not bad mate, a bit of cleaning to do but it looks like you've cracked it......
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