First Go At Skimming A Artex Ceiling With Bonding & Plaster.

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if you're getting 4 a month,then i would advise you buy some thistle bond-it primer.

a much better product to use than PVA

PVA is a glue your only bond is once it goes tacky,if you start in one area,buy the time you have applied the PVA it will begin to set hence loosing your bond.

if you was to get a natural draw through the room like a front door open and a window,over time with the door slamming hence causing vibration,hence the plaster breaking its bond and cracking and likely to come away from the ceiling.

i will not use PVA as a bonding agent,Thistle Bond-it is much more superior,and the product for the job.



What a load of b*ll***s...PVA is water based and the bond is not only when it is wet, but also when it is dry as it re emulsifies when wet plaster comes into contact.

If you are skimming over a textured ceiling you have a key, plus if you are using PVA then bonding plaster the chances of it coming away are 0.

Don't bother using Bond It on a textured ceiling complete waste of time.

And Rory be careful removing those wooden beads, sometimes it's more hassle than it's worth as the plaster will blow around the beads and cause a bigger job. Better just to bead over the top and run some scrim down either side of the wing onto the wall.

Are you in Bristol? Do you do internal and external? Would you be interested in some subbie work? PM with your day rate and I can start sending some stuff your way.

Best work out if it's a lattes ceiling if so bonding it them skimming it (not mixed together)could be heavy I would scrape high spots off as much as poss and skim it or re board it with 60mm screws
I haven't tried this bonding in your skim malarky yet.... got some artex ceilings coming up might give it a go! (I also bead over dowlings and run scrim tape either side) Hope everyones doing well on here by the way! Not been here in a while
@roryston @zombie how long would you leave the first coat of bonding and finish before putting on 2nd coat? Same as multi or do you need to leave it longer to pull in?

treat it same as multi with regards to when to put your second coat on mate but make sure you get an early flatten in as it tears if on to late etc
PVA is a glue your only bond is once it goes tacky,if you start in one area,buy the time you have applied the PVA it will begin to set hence loosing your bond.

The reason why people wait for it to go tacky is thats the way they were taught... and thats the we way they were taught and thats the way they were taught... (you get the idea)

PVA goes tacky when moisture is applied... ie.... its dry as a bone then lay a coat of skim over it and then wait and scrape a bit back... low and behold its tacky!!!

I stopped waiting for PVA to go tacky donkeys years ago... never ever had a come back... although I do like the grit as an extra precaution but none the less PVA has done the job for many many plasterers for a long time so its not a hardship :-)
What a load of b*ll***s...PVA is water based and the bond is not only when it is wet, but also when it is dry as it re emulsifies when wet plaster comes into contact.

If you are skimming over a textured ceiling you have a key, plus if you are using PVA then bonding plaster the chances of it coming away are 0.

Don't bother using Bond It on a textured ceiling complete waste of time.

And Rory be careful removing those wooden beads, sometimes it's more hassle than it's worth as the plaster will blow around the beads and cause a bigger job. Better just to bead over the top and run some scrim down either side of the wing onto the wall.

Are you in Bristol? Do you do internal and external? Would you be interested in some subbie work? PM with your day rate and I can start sending some stuff your way.


Sorry did not see you had already posted that :-\
The idea of bonding and finish mix is great in certain places , we used to do it on site when the CW wanted it for the fire regs.
Because it hangs back you can do miles of it and its so easy, all sort of pulls in together and finishes well.
Mix 1st coat 60/40
2nd coat 90/10
and final skim coat.
Always turned out pretty good , the crappy effect is when the bonding isnt setting , so you need to do a fair bit or else your going over it too quick.
If its a single ceiling then i would maybe dope the 1st mix , main thing is to ensure the bonding sets.

Ive done more artex than i care to remember , i dont bond them , PVA then if its really bad id throw a coat of finish over it and leave it so its nice and tight and then treat it like any other surface.
@Royston.....your more than welcome buddy im glad that all went well...and I also appreciate the thanks!:RpS_thumbup:

that little mix will become your best friend for refurb work mate...

ps... I had a wall today which included tile addy,skim,paint,artex and a couple of chases...just glued it all up and covered it all in the magic mix let the deep areas pul in then top as normal job done...its awesome!!!:RpS_thumbsup:
What ratio do you mix the bonding and skim
Have quite often bonded over thick crapy artex and shitty patchy walls, prior to skimming , as for a 50/50 first coat will have to try that trick out, everyday is a school day.
to cover artex all you need is 2 big heaped bucket trowels worth to a bag of finish in first coat only....

cant comment on the john simpson post I haven't got a clue what hes on about tbh
What a load of b*ll***s...PVA is water based and the bond is not only when it is wet, but also when it is dry as it re emulsifies when wet plaster comes into contact.

If you are skimming over a textured ceiling you have a key, plus if you are using PVA then bonding plaster the chances of it coming away are 0.

Don't bother using Bond It on a textured ceiling complete waste of time.

And Rory be careful removing those wooden beads, sometimes it's more hassle than it's worth as the plaster will blow around the beads and cause a bigger job. Better just to bead over the top and run some scrim down either side of the wing onto the wall.

Are you in Bristol? Do you do internal and external? Would you be interested in some subbie work? PM with your day rate and I can start sending some stuff your way.

Ages ago my Fathers plastering company used to also install pool liners. There was a program to build olympic size municipal public pools through out the Seattle area and we got the contract to do the liners. It was specified to PVA the concrete walls just prior to applying our finish (white cement & marble pool mix). It was also spec'ed that the water was to start filling as soon as the finish was set. As you stated above the PVA re-emulsifies in contact with wet plaster. So that's what happened in the first few pools that we installed. The PVA ended up being the weak point of the finish system and we were having large sections of the pool liner pop away from the concrete base. The spec's were rewritten soon afterward.
to cover artex all you need is 2 big heaped bucket trowels worth to a bag of finish in first coat only....

cant comment on the john simpson post I haven't got a clue what hes on about tbh
Tried it today over tile adhesive
It was magic, always using this technique from now on , saved me time bonding the full bathroom out
it makes it more fluffier , I was worried first coat would crack being on chases tile adhesive etc but not 1, can't believe I ant done this ages ago , missed out on some r8 time
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