first job

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New Member
hi every one , right have just completed a 4 day course at trades 4 u, just got back from plastering brother in laws bedroom going on top of sound plaster job went ok but one thing walls all pva up first coat of multi finish kept cracking for want of better word , like little tears in it, second coat of pva was tacky/ wet on the corse we were going on top of plasterboard and no prob! advice plse ::)
when you do a job and youve got youre first coat on, guaranteed the old dear will walk in and say ooh that looks lovely ..........thats when you grab youre kit the money and get the feck out ;)
mabe ur pva wasent strong enought watered down two much mabe? never had it crack if pva was good.have u seen it since its dryed out proper?
i think i know what your talking about. did the plaster separate, start to break down, slid down the surface?
if yes, you might want to try betokontakt or bond it. you have to paint it on, give it a couple of hours to dry,
then skim on top. its a longer job than using pva but more reliable than pva
hope this helps
i think i know what your talking about. did the plaster separate, start to break down, slid down the surface?
if yes, you might want to try betokontakt or bond it. you have to paint it on, give it a couple of hours to dry,
then skim on top. its a longer job than using pva but more reliable than pva
hope this helps

off topic like but does anyone know where you can get knauf betokontakt from for cheap, ive heard best price is around £35
thanks for the thoughts first pva was 5to1 water pva left an hour then final pva 3to1 pva water wall was covered in hairline cracks taped over most of them would ithave been better to put bonding plaster on first if so what thickness i know hard wall is 11 mm but did not want to bring wall out cause skirting board etc ;)
hi pauly.... if i was u i would of put the 3:1 coat on first, let that dry then put another coat of 6:1 or even
8:1. all that coat will do is make the first coat tacky again. i always pva the day before i skim, but if u
skim the same day as u pva, i would only use 1 coat of pva say 3:1 let i got tacky as possible, if its
taking ages.... dry roll it or big segs uses a sponge to aggitate the pva to make it dry quiker.  :)
Sounds like the PVA was too wet mate. As for the hairline cracks, it's sometimes impossible to cover them all without taping the entire wall. The small hairline cracks shouldn't come back through the new plaster. Just make sure the old plaster is sound and you scrim the bigger cracks. Adding fibres to the mix will help prevent cracks but the stuff will go off quicker which may be a problem if you're new to the game  :)
so best to put first pva coat on day before i just followed instuctions on wicks pva 5 parts water 1 pva then 3 parts pva 1 water, should second pva be dry before first coat of multi finish wall was matt dont think it had distemper on it does pva have to be plasters pva at nearlly 18 quid or gen purpose pva at 9. 99 quid. ;) ;)
so best to put first pva coat on day before i just followed instuctions on wicks pva  5 parts water 1 pva then 3 parts pva 1 water, should second pva be dry before first coat of multi finish wall was matt dont think it had distemper on it does pva have to be plasters pva at nearlly 18 quid or gen purpose pva at 9. 99 quid. ;) ;)

I dont use wickes PVA, its shite, would rather pay that bit more for it. Makes no odds cos you pass it back plus your 20% or so anyway!
I use unibond PVA, its around the £20 mark at screwfix direct. At the moment its 10 ltr for the price of 5 ltr!

It will be interesting to see what everyone else uses but ive never had a problem with this pva!
i hate the b+q one in the red tub it supposed to come watered down ;D
i hate the b+q one in the red tub it supposed to come watered down  ;D

i have the same problem with the b&q cr@p i always go for the wickes stuff its reasonably priced and goes the distance
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