First One To....

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I have been sorting through my office today and found a few one off mugs, pint glasses etc.... The first person to send £3.50 to gets it....

This is just to cover postage & Packaging :D

This is one of the mugs...
WhatsApp Image 2020-01-01 at 21.07.09.jpeg

I will be doing more mugs in january for comps and some other bits but I want to get rid of the old stock first :D
I have been sorting through my office today and found a few one off mugs, pint glasses etc.... The first person to send £3.50 to gets it....

This is just to cover postage & Packaging :D

This is one of the mugs...
View attachment 43301

I will be doing more mugs in january for comps and some other bits but I want to get rid of the old stock first :D
You got any i'm an all rounder and master of all mugs?