Fixing rendering beads with plasterboard adhesive

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I've only ever stuck beads with render or the same material that is being applied to the wall.
I did see some one stick plastic beads on a scratch coat with bonding and it lasted two years before all of the beads blew.
I have stuck internal floating beads with skim and put sand and cement on them for years and never had a problem.
External is a different ball game.
I knib 70% of my reveals which is far better than beads.
Its not going to fall of if they are dabbed on as the render coat will hold them on it whether in time there is any reaction between the two materials.

Yes the adhesive eats away at the render. Any gypsum product will react and I've seen it happen with dot and dab and parex. I used it on a couple of jobs and luckily there's no sign of popping yet but i look every time i drive past!
A guy who I was subbying for saw me doing it and gave me a right bollocking and I've not used it since.
K rend hp 12 is nice and grabby for sticking beads on though
I use old mono,or sometimes I have used a grip fill type adhesive that they sell in local merchants that can be used externally,it worked well just a load of wirlnut whips of it up the corner,squidge the bead in and knock the tops off.i have nailed the beads on new block work you just have to nail them loosely and let the bead find straight if you Nail tightly it pulls the bead in and creates a kink or bend in the bead.
It's the frost that makes it fail, makes it brittle and it comes away, ceates loose spots. Seen a few blokes using gripfill to stick plastic beads outside.
It works just perfect:hueco:

Fixing rendering beads with plasterboard adhesive
Fixing rendering beads with plasterboard adhesive
It's also advised to put a coping on garden walls.
All manufactors will tell you this.water sitting on the render will make it crack over time
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