Private Member
To actually start getting jobs with all the base prepped by me , not all the time but more often than not people seem to only want quote for skimming there s**t board work or if I price for it they do it themselves and think they have done a great job when it's absolutely shite , causes me more work and tbh am sick of trying to put all the shite right , couldn't stop thinking today something has to change , skimming over old s**t hole Victorian walls is easier than skimming over the board work guy had done today, I'm sure most of the time people seem to think they saving loads of money by not getting me to board out stuff (if it's needed ) so I'm thinking I have to take advice off one of my mates and start absolutely slating plasterboard when I'm out quoting and advice float and set as the only option , then hopefully all the two bit have a go heros will be wiped out of the equation and I then end up skimming over some half decent walls ,
Does anyone out right refuse to skim if they don't do the boarding ? Maybe that's an option too ?
Something has to change
Does anyone out right refuse to skim if they don't do the boarding ? Maybe that's an option too ?
Something has to change