Floating/sponging up OCR

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Always find this a nightmare, i've got a well used wooden float and fine Rubi tilers sponge.

I find the wooden float doesn't get enough grip on the render and the sponge doesn't rub it up well.

What ar the best tools for floating, sponging SBR do Refina sell anything?
always used a plastic float,sponge first if a bit wet....ruled with a featheredge,sometimes closed in with a darby...
Int it better to go to the pub when it's too wet or am I old fashioned?

'Twas always the way, send the lab back to do a thumb check & carry on making a nice circle of muck around the pool table :RpS_thumbup:

I wouldn't have thought you'd have got far rubbing a wet wall with a sponge, fk that!
Dont listen to 1970's spread he puts newspaper on the render to dry it up quicker................:RpS_laugh:
I find it like floating up a strong sand cement mix with loads of sbr in it, some people say it rubs up nice, I wanna know what they are using on it cause I find it a b**ch to rub up
It's a piece of piss to rub up and it's not a strong mix it's a correctly gauged mix and i don't think it has polymer in
I've found some plastering sand is a pain to rub up as it has small gravel in (they feel like pebbles and they drag making a right mess). Forever picking them out when rubbing up.
Always find this a nightmare, i've got a well used wooden float and fine Rubi tilers sponge.

I find the wooden float doesn't get enough grip on the render and the sponge doesn't rub it up well.

What ar the best tools for floating, sponging SBR do Refina sell anything?

Theres your problem
I've found some plastering sand is a pain to rub up as it has small gravel in (they feel like pebbles and they drag making a right mess). Forever picking them out when rubbing up.

Deffo had that with different merchants.
Always find this a nightmare, i've got a well used wooden float and fine Rubi tilers sponge.

I find the wooden float doesn't get enough grip on the render and the sponge doesn't rub it up well.

What ar the best tools for floating, sponging SBR do Refina sell anything?

Theres your problem

I agree with Flynny. I never use a fine sponge, the ones I use are quite open, come in packs of five or six and are as cheap as chips.
get your self one of those dimond floats, refina sell them i think. can rub up the wetest of walls, leave for ages then sponge it up, i find a few sponges brings the grain up finer and finer..... looks proper flat.
get your self one of those dimond floats, refina sell them i think. can rub up the wetest of walls, leave for ages then sponge it up, i find a few sponges brings the grain up finer and finer..... looks proper flat.
ballacks too much sponging isn't good for it what you need to do is rule it properly that's why your having problems rub it up with a poly float and if sponging use the foam from the inside of a cushion
you could just treat it like a mono and cut it back with the I section then use a sponge float for closed finish
works for me mate, rule off, let it air, rub up, let it air, sponge once....... leave, sponge again, especially if its wet and the first sponge has left thicker grain swirls. you ll find the second spounge can bring it up more uniform if the first was too wet. thats sometimes needed say when the bead edge will go off faster so require a rub up and sponge straight off.
ballacks too much sponging isn't good for it what you need to do is rule it properly that's why your having problems rub it up with a poly float and if sponging use the foam from the inside of a cushion

works for me mate, rule off, let it air, rub up, let it air, sponge once....... leave, sponge again, especially if its wet and the first sponge has left thicker grain swirls. you ll find the second spounge can bring it up more uniform if the first was too wet. thats sometimes needed say when the bead edge will go off faster so require a rub up and sponge straight off.
Do you not find it furs up and brings too much Sand to the surface especially around beaded areas
**** sponging it twice, I'd rather just wait for it to be ready and then sponge it the once.
Also not good practice to try floating/sponging when it's to wet as this just brings the cement to the surface.
im sure over sponging encourages cracking?? or am i just making that up?

over sponging your prob thinking of 5-10 times. if you do it 2-3 if nessesary then its fine, but youll find the grain will get finer again and youll end up having to do the hole flank to match.... prob just me being anal there mind lol
your right though, iv over worked the spounge in the past and it turnes the top layer almost paste.... too smooth,which might crack.
**** sponging it twice, I'd rather just wait for it to be ready and then sponge it the once.
Also not good practice to try floating/sponging when it's to wet as this just brings the cement to the surface.

thats the point mate, after its rubbed some parts stay wetter longer for what ever reason, so youll sponge up whats ready and while im there will sponge up the wetish too, but youll need to go back over it to tighten the grain, generally i spounge twice, as i like the finer grain left with the 2nd.
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