:RpS_thumbup: same as mateKind off tend to use the feather edge then hit it with the speed skim to flatten and close in the face then just a quick rub with the devil
Not figs. ffs I meant predictive text.Rule with a feather edge and rub up.some of you lot have got too much time to waste.speed skim on floating figs.
put yer dummy back inWhat ever:rolleyes)
Why just use your trowel.trying to justify this is b*ll***s.tried it and don't see the point of it.A cavity closer Will do the same job.Its good for doing a tight coat of bonding and then using over the top
It does and electricians dado does the same job.A cavity closure doesn't have the rigidity like a speedskim so would be useless. Used speedskim when iv bonded some artex out worked ok. Feather edge far superior tho!
Coming from you :RpS_lol: :RpS_tongue:put yer dummy back in