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Apologies to anyone who may be suffering from the cumbrian disaster but i think its great! the firm i work im subbying to at the min are based in Cockermouth and have already started the insurance ripouts plenty of work in the pipeline now ;D
Firm i subbie to got sum ready for ripping out too.
Decorator I know already got 40houses to do when ready for decs.
I've done insurance work for years its great cause it's all year round work.
Always someone having fire or flood.
I think they should replaster the walls with sand and cement with water repellant so its not knackered the next time... and on the stud walls use cement board.
wont be plastering for a few months like it was the same when Carlisle got flooded a few years back any home that had timber floors had to have all the joists replaced and walls had to be dried out properly before the spreads could start
last time people were useing bonding and hardwall to fix back up as they said it was now dry, i still dont think it should be used.
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