Frozen PVA

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New Member
Anyone had comeback from using PVA thats been frozen. All the stuff in my van froze, so I went to DIY to get some and all of theirs was frozen solid too (20 tubs), so had to go with it. Just wondered if it is knackered after freezing as I have a few tubs left.
it will be ok.i had the same with mine the other week and had to scoop it out and put it in warm still done its job.
Yes mate it's totally knackered once frozen,
it'll thaw out & look fine but the molecules are all f**k*d
so everything will seem fine until a week later when customer phones & says that reskim you did just fell on the floor when I painted it with a roller!!!!
nelly said:
Nisus said:
Only joking ;D

Thank f*ck for that, I did one of them mega kitchens last week with some

To be honest I'm not sure if it does affect it!
I've used it before & used some last week it thaws out ok & seems fine.
But water based paints are f**k*d once the frost gets them & pva is water based.
So who knows!!
Nisus said:
nelly said:
Nisus said:
Only joking ;D

Thank f*ck for that, I did one of them mega kitchens last week with some

To be honest I'm not sure if it does affect it!
I've used it before & used some last week it thaws out ok & seems fine.
But water based paints are (french word)ed once the frost gets them & pva is water based.
So who knows!!

Should be fun trying to explain that away :)
nelly said:
Nisus said:
;D ;D ;D ;D
Nelly you Utd or City??
Or neither ;D

United-ish but I sort of went off it when they won the treble.

I'm utd too but i'm not like one of these southern man u supporters,
I'm right on the doorstep i'm only 83miles away ;D ;D
I keep 2 gallon in the cab of the van in winter so if it does freeze over night after the drive to work with the heating on it will thaw out. (Well at least a bit). ;)
just found this on a woodworking site "If PVA is let to freeze, it will not be good anymore. It may seem to work, but the bond will not be strong. With white glue, if the glue has frozen and then thawed, it will dry a white cloudy color instead of clear. If you are not sure if your glue has been previously frozen, test it first. If it dries white instead of clear, then discard the glue." :-\

i was mixing mine with warm water last week.
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