I’ve recently moved into a house built around the mid1980’s
I have noticed the garage ceiling has a bare, unfinished, unpainted swirl texture pattern in a light brown, sandy colour?
Not sure if it’s artex or plaster?
If it’s artex does it need testing for asbestos due to the age of the house?
What colour is bare artex, I presume it should be white?
Does it require sealing with PVA & painting over to make it safe if it’s artex?
Any advice, any idea?
I have noticed the garage ceiling has a bare, unfinished, unpainted swirl texture pattern in a light brown, sandy colour?
Not sure if it’s artex or plaster?
If it’s artex does it need testing for asbestos due to the age of the house?
What colour is bare artex, I presume it should be white?
Does it require sealing with PVA & painting over to make it safe if it’s artex?
Any advice, any idea?