Get the old buttons back

Just had skyQ installed it's great watch what you like when and everywhere. (y)
Used to have sky, but ditched it when I realised that the horrible little Australian b*****d that owns it, and numerous newspapers bragged about being able to influence British politics.

I will not be controlled.

Had to watch highlights just. Good game, well earned win.
Used to have sky, but ditched it when I realised that the horrible little Australian b*****d that owns it, and numerous newspapers bragged about being able to influence British politics.

I will not be controlled.

Had to watch highlights just. Good game, well earned win.

You need to get a divorce as well then! :)
I'm getting the sky q boxes next Tuesday

Ideally get the 2tb box as you can use more mini Q boxes around the house.
The tv guide takes a bit to get used to but overall so far it's very good. The app on ipad is very good the whole thing is very flexible. You'll find some flaws though. ;)