And are you the arbiter of which snippets of 'science' pushed in the media are 'True'?
Are you the arbiter of which 'news' is 'Real', and which is 'Fake'?
Are you so certain that there are no currupt (or compromised, or threatened. or blackmailed, etc. etc.) scientists in the world?
Are you so certain that scientists never make honest mistakes with their research? How is it, then, that subsequent generations of scientists have uncovered errors in the work of those who went before them? This is a highly consistent theme in Science.
Are you so certain that there are no hidden agendas influencing what you read/hear/see in the media?
As I said earlier, I don't firmly stand on one side or the other with the current global situation, but neither do I unquestioningly believe what certain scientists/politicians/media corporations/doctors/academics proclaim to the masses. EVERY type of person, in EVERY profession, no matter how much you may revere them, has one or more colleagues who hold an identical qualification, but who hold differing opinions.