spunk there's a vid somewhere on youtube of a gang using a g4 to spray mineral texture on real fast and messy and then finish with floats as normal......but do you think i can find it!! erm not a chance
Yeah mate I think you can alter the plug on the big comp to the same as the onboard one and just swap em over so that the machine still switches on and off at the gun with no remote cable but you can't slow the flow of material down enough even with a d43 low output you'd be putting a fire out. Do a vid though if you try it
You're the second bloke who's said film yourself putting top coat through a g5 lol do you think we could get a even spray to float it or would we be scraping so much off we'd think **** it just do it by hand
In my small years as a spread top coating that stuff is the most unforgiving finish I've used so ******* it on with a g5 may not be the bestest idea lol
you are out in the wild here mind.....uncharted territory where the normal rules of society don't apply mate....only the brave stroll down that path dude. You've got to ask yourself...'am i ready to be a pioneer at the forefront of modern render exploration?' or do you just say 'maybe but i think ill just put it on by hand'. That's the seesaw moment when because it's doable by hand you'll probably never actually go through with it so will ever remain on the other side of the glass mate looking in.....join us and get dirty(what a load of b*ll***s but you catch my drift dontcha dude yeah?)
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