Grand National sweepstake

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I must admit I thought all of the places for the sweepstake would of been scooped up by now , thought the sponsors might off added a few gifts to boot as well
robjack, superspread, hector, mikeadams all wanted in before it went into private section. maybe a pm ...
maybe put the original back in the public bar asking if anyone would be interested where it to go ahead and anyone who wants in just pm them with the paypal details and tell them to keep stum ...
Sorry guys I want in just trying to tie down one of my kids to do the transfer , I'm a technophobe , that's y I don't put pictures on ere cos I haven't got a scooby,mustard round a hawk and trowel tho:RpS_laugh: Just bear with me, if I'm too late then so be it,how many places left?
Why is it in the private section?

aye, it's limited the exposure. there was something about it being illegal but noone gives a toss really. every workplace has one. we might need to move it back to the public bar. or can @danny do a mass pm to all the private members telling them about the sweepstake ...?
i want in but i wont be able to do it till i get in from work tomorow, was gonnna ask the missus to do it cos i dnt know how to use paypal but we had a row:RpS_blushing: now im sitting at the end of the sofa like a naughty child not talking to her haha
haha done it now.................i hope could have just sent a tenner to anyone:RpS_unsure:
is honest al doing the draw?? how many people did we get in the end, im guessing the deadlines gone now
Yeah Paul get in on it bud

Would have been nice to get how ever many gee gee are running then guaranteed someone would have won't it
Is he a bit of a smoothie Steve? :rolleyes)

Like you wouldn't believe. Popped in to see us when rosie was born as he was passing. We were going out after and the mrs was slipping all over the place. Left a right mess on the passenger seat.
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