Gritty bitty f**k u


Artex Boy
Customer insists to use blue grit as decorator brain washed him.

I tell him pva be fine, I know what I’m doing.

Really wants me to blue grit 7x6 ceiling

Ok I can do it but it’s another day on top as 2 visits

Jesus ducking Christ I feel sick. In the time I took to do that I could have pva n skim it.

Covered in bits of sand Ucunt

To anyone who uses this shite instead of pva f**k you .
Customer insists to use blue grit as decorator brain washed him.

I tell him pva be fine, I know what I’m doing.

Really wants me to blue grit 7x6 ceiling

Ok I can do it but it’s another day on top as 2 visits

Jesus ducking Christ I feel sick. In the time I took to do that I could have pva n skim it.

Covered in bits of sand Ucunt

To anyone who uses this shite instead of pva f**k you .

So you got paid a day for painting a 7x6 ceiling.

Bummer that you had to have a wash but hey ho.
So you got paid a day for painting a 7x6 ceiling.

Bummer that you had to have a wash but hey ho.

Not a full day but enough to tickle your arsehole but that isn’t the point

Didn’t need to be done and i feel demoralised
Customer insists to use blue grit as decorator brain washed him.

I tell him pva be fine, I know what I’m doing.

Really wants me to blue grit 7x6 ceiling

Ok I can do it but it’s another day on top as 2 visits

Jesus ducking Christ I feel sick. In the time I took to do that I could have pva n skim it.

Covered in bits of sand Ucunt

To anyone who uses this shite instead of pva f**k you .
Should of put blue chalk in the pva. Think smart
Customer insists to use blue grit as decorator brain washed him.

I tell him pva be fine, I know what I’m doing.

Really wants me to blue grit 7x6 ceiling

Ok I can do it but it’s another day on top as 2 visits

Jesus ducking Christ I feel sick. In the time I took to do that I could have pva n skim it.

Covered in bits of sand Ucunt

To anyone who uses this shite instead of pva f**k you .

There there, it will all be fine. :)

You're a plasterer, so use the grit and skim the ceiling. When you do, polish the fcuk out of it until it shines like a ******* in the sun. Maybe even flick a brush of PVA here and there on it when you're done. Get your money then spend days p1ssing yourself laughing at the thought of the decorator trying to get the emulsion to cover. (y)
There there, it will all be fine. :)

You're a plasterer, so use the grit and skim the ceiling. When you do, polish the fcuk out of it until it shines like a M***m*n in the sun. Maybe even flick a brush of PVA here and there on it when you're done. Get your money then spend days p1ssing yourself laughing at the thought of the decorator trying to get the emulsion to cover. (y)

I like it . I feel better
Customer insists to use blue grit as decorator brain washed him.

I tell him pva be fine, I know what I’m doing.

Really wants me to blue grit 7x6 ceiling

Ok I can do it but it’s another day on top as 2 visits

Jesus ducking Christ I feel sick. In the time I took to do that I could have pva n skim it.

Covered in bits of sand Ucunt

To anyone who uses this shite instead of pva f**k you .
I like it so f**k u 2!
I get my boy to paint the s**t on though and charge more for two visits.
Don’t paint it yourself you donut it’s messy and blue and gritty.
Go to the pub for lunch while your boy does the s**t jobs.
I like it so f**k u 2!
I get my boy to paint the s**t on though and charge more for two visits.
Don’t paint it yourself you donut it’s messy and blue and gritty.
Go to the pub for lunch while your boy does the s**t jobs.

My labourers can’t do own laces I’m better off on own . Can’t leave them alone in customers house . I never use the shite but customer insisted

As suggested above i’ll Shine f**k out of ceiling tomorrow
Started with a big brush and after an hour I got roller out n thinned the f**k*r down with water n rolled it

I don’t like the bg stuff it doesn’t spread very far and grit is too big, microgobetis is good to spread or roll on if it’s a painted ceiling. I tend to brush it on artex to get in the nooks and crannies, you have to have patience of a saint sometimes. :)
Artex too


  • Gritty bitty f**k u
    30.5 KB · Views: 272
Customer insists to use blue grit as decorator brain washed him.

I tell him pva be fine, I know what I’m doing.

Really wants me to blue grit 7x6 ceiling

Ok I can do it but it’s another day on top as 2 visits

Jesus ducking Christ I feel sick. In the time I took to do that I could have pva n skim it.

Covered in bits of sand Ucunt

To anyone who uses this shite instead of pva f**k you .
It aint got sand in it
I only thought the plasprime had recycled plastic.
You shouldn’t water it down, if you need to better of with a bit of pva or sbr. Micro is the only one I’ve seen that says you can use water, had someone’s labourer use a cheapo sprayer to prep some ceilings for me recently and it went on fast. Only trouble was the muppet got it every where else too!
I only thought the plasprime had recycled plastic.
You shouldn’t water it down, if you need to better of with a bit of pva or sbr. Micro is the only one I’ve seen that says you can use water, had someone’s labourer use a cheapo sprayer to prep some ceilings for me recently and it went on fast. Only trouble was the muppet got it every where else too!

Why can’t u water it down