
Same guarantee ain't worth paper there written on would always go back to a job with any problems within reason! And charge um again :numberone:
12 month I guess.. 2 screws popped could be classed as good customer service fixing a few years on if passing by, but 4 years on and 50 mile drive.. No..
No written guarantee but will always pop back if a problem...within reason of course.
may get some more work.

Always scrim ceiling screws now. Pedantic, but just an observation from all the properties I go in.
Builder I work for now and again insists I do this
I only ever do if I know he's on his way out! Always asks did you scrim srew heads
I be like yeah mate coarse
He made it into a game and I can play the game!
Screws only pop if u a spaz and break the paper on board when zipping in! On a clean ceiling I won't do it but if I'm overboard on lath ect ti's a must because movement is inevitable!
Do you give them & how long ?
Just done a 4 year one 2 screw head pops
50 mile round trip

Your welcome
You driving that far for work proves that no cnt likes you in your local area! I bet most you're old pals from school think what happened to dorris sheproper lost the plot!! U like this guy but white!!
Rare I have to go back. If I do, it’s usually something packed up like an extractor fan etc. If it’s within the manufactures guarantee then fair enough. If not, I’ll just replace it at cost if they were good customers
Rare I have to go back. If I do, it’s usually something packed up like an extractor fan etc. If it’s within the manufactures guarantee then fair enough. If not, I’ll just replace it at cost if they were good customers
First House I bought had a massarator? Down stairs disabled toilet thought we'd keep it packed in a few times house stunk of s**t! Ripped it out in end plumber cost too much
First House I bought had a massarator? Down stairs disabled toilet thought we'd keep it packed in a few times house stunk of s**t! Ripped it out in end plumber cost too much

Doing a kitchen knock through and fit at mo. En-suite had saniflo in, but ended getting both bathrooms to refurb, new boiler etc. Re gigged both bathrooms while waiting for boiler to be fitted. Internal stack and managed to get proper soil pipe in ceiling while down.
Doing a kitchen knock through and fit at mo. En-suite had saniflo in, but ended getting both bathrooms to refurb, new boiler etc. Re gigged both bathrooms while waiting for boiler to be fitted. Internal stack and managed to get proper soil pipe in ceiling while down.
I didn't understand any of that all I know is how to throw muck on a wall
U blow my mind crispy :ROFLMAO:
I've stopped using orange scrim on boards now. And I've never scrimned screw heads so wonder if I should? I've had 2 call backs over plasterboard with scrim failing with hairline cracks on joins. Doing my head in. Is it the plaster or board or what. I'm thinking it's big temperature change when radiator comes on after a few days at decorating stage and crack... Only on ceiling with board though...
What’s wrong with orange scrim?
Just failing at times. There is a good youtube test comparing tapes. Maybe it's just the type of work I'm doing in my area but new board on old houses is failing in small areas. I'm thinking it's the heating even with radiator off, heat still comes through door. Also think skrim is poor resisting movement and tests on YouTube showed that
. I'm thinking it's big temperature change when radiator comes on after a few days at decorating stage and crack... Only on ceiling with board though...
(y) more rapid cooling with ceiling
Yeah I think..Heat... Had one this week done back in March and small crack. Ground movement I think. Also the mesh needs to be close to surface vs on artex where tapes are pulled. Level a bit first then tape. I've had deep tapes crack so they need to be surface applied..

And bunglows. Gee..