Guidance on tackling this


Well-Known Member
I'm going to tackle this lovely ceiling next week and would like guidance on what to do (already noted tea and biccies), it's an upstairs hallway in a 'T' type to the stairs. Top hallway is about 5m x 1m, the stairs about 6m x 1m.

I'm moving the light to the stairs adding some kind of chandelier making it look really lovely..

The artex just stippled so I'm planning on just a skim coat

The issue I'm going to have is above the stairs, I've got a 3m transformer type ladder that does all kinds of positions, but don't have another ladder nor any boards to get to that height, and wondered if you have any creative solutions that can help?


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  • Guidance on tackling this
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Unless you can levitate a ladder and batten would be the cheap option. You can hire staging for stairs its not expensive. Larry that pattern is rich for stipple give it a good scrape and put a bit of pva on it. Its a tricky wee space that good luck larry.
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Thanks Paul, at one point I was thinking of napalm but thought better of it as I'd probably get told off by the Missus.

I've discovered I have quite a talent getting that awful stuff off, a real sharp chisel in one hand, and a cuppa in the other!

Unless you can levitate a ladder and batten would be the cheap option. You can hire staging for stairs its not expensive. Larry that pattern is rich for stipple give it a good scrape and put a bit of pva on it. Its a tricky wee space that good luck larry.
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Gonna pva tomorrow, wondering how much I'll get on the dog and at what point I'm going to get whinged at.... I'm gonna pull off that loft hatch surround as it's older than me

Smaller are not always easier Larry, as above get some pva on there, weak first then strong almost neat. Skim when dry/tacky
Gonna pva tomorrow, wondering how much I'll get on the dog and at what point I'm going to get whinged at.... I'm gonna pull off that loft hatch surround as it's older than me
Good man. Mix your first coat 50/50 with bonding it’s lovely to spread and it’ll give you plenty of time, let it pull right in before second coat. Don’t over work it
I usually get in a hot bother when @lurpak spreads...

I've noticed the new multi packets, what are they like for this weather? During the summer I had nothing but problems - one moment it's wet, the next it's as hard as a rock!

Good man. Mix your first coat 50/50 with bonding it’s lovely to spread and it’ll give you plenty of time, let it pull right in before second coat. Don’t over work it
Quick question, how does the bonding mix re***d the multi mix, I've been reading about it and don't understand as they are both of an alkaline solution?

Good man. Mix your first coat 50/50 with bonding it’s lovely to spread and it’ll give you plenty of time, let it pull right in before second coat. Don’t over work it
You can do a 50/50 coat and flatten out and leave it if you feel you cant get round it quick enough. Just pva it to kill the suction and skim it at your leisure.
I've got selco pva, the last wall I did I put the infamous 6 coats of pva on, noticed whilst the plaster went on like whipped cream, one moment it was great, the next minute it had set like medusa had seen it, was not happy, I was expecting it to gently set!

You can do a 50/50 coat and flatten out and leave it if you feel you cant get round it quick enough. Just pva it to kill the suction and skim it at your leisure.
Being dumb, what thickness plank should I be looking for? I'm wondering get a few from wickes and take them back next day :inocente:
You're safer using a scaffold plank, which is about 50mm thick. They usually get dirty so they might rumble you if you try borrowing one from Wickes! Any span over 10', I usually double up as you get less flex. Good luck and take your time.
Our wickes are thick as anything, it's frightening...

I'll be wearing clean pants - luck is on my side :loco:

You're safer using a scaffold plank, which is about 50mm thick. They usually get dirty so they might rumble you if you try borrowing one from Wickes! Any span over 10', I usually double up as you get less flex. Good luck and take your time.