
Yeah, it stunk, even with a nightlight. no little electric lights then, and not even electricity during the 3-day week!
Don't think I saw a real pumpkin until years and year later. I've bought a pumkin this year 'cos its cheap food, little buggers can go elsewhere for their treats. I fancy some roast pumkin and garlic & pumpkin soup.
We just turn all the lights out so the kids don’t know we are home. Saves on the leccy and giving them anything.
bunch of juvenile delinquents taking there first steps on the rocky path downwards to crime, and then there there is the 7 year olds and upwards , knocking on your door, the future toerags and electricians,
all wearing tracksuit bottoms no doubt, smack em in the mouth, hosepipe them down,
I remember when it started to be a thing in London, teen toe rags came knocking with a baseball bat, let your tyres down if they didn't get cash....scum mothers with kiddies encouraged them to throw flour paste with dried peas on my door - I wasn't even in!