Love you all too today
Stay safe
One love
She must be after stapling your feet down so you can’t swan off to the myself some new work boots and staple gun
for valentines
Hey Costco are doing a bunch for £16 mate don’t get caught out at Tesco with all the late takersgot myself some new work boots and staple gun
for valentines
What's the staple gun for?got myself some new work boots and staple gun
for valentines
It is used to fix the Tapit tape as it keeps peeling off.What's the staple gun for?
It is used to fix the Tapit tape as it keeps peeling off.
staplesWhat's the staple gun for?
£60 for a s**t bunch of flowers last year. Mrs C complained so the sent a bouquet lolView attachment 73379That time again
£60 for a s**t bunch of flowers last year. Mrs C complained so the sent a bouquet lol
Hey I’m no like you ya ruff arse c**t. I don’t steal flowers out of some c**ts garden then give them to the missusyou obviously don't know woman to well
they want a good fuucking leg over
not £60 on weeds
the modern man is a shamefull thing
could of been £60 at bingo
or cigarettes and the gas bill
Hey I’m no like you ya ruff arse c**t. I don’t steal flowers out of some c**ts garden then give them to the missus