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New Member

I'm new to the forum, but just wanted to say hello, looking forward to gaining some helpful tips and advice in the future..

Welcome along bud , how about a more detailed intro. We've had some crackers on here and Danny gives a special prize each month to the best intro. Last month it was a laptop , good luck [emoji2]
welcome to the forum oo1 are you related to 007 -------------- are you a spy in disguise :inocente::lol:
are you the strong silent type----- olican was asking :inocente:
Not a fan of strong silent types tbh, prefer them weak and loud [emoji12]
Not sure about strong, but I like good crack........ been plastering for about two years, also do tiling........................ really enjoy it, always liked a job well done, so after been made redundant, I did a course, did a load of research, did a ton of free or low cost jobs for hands on practise and have picked stuff as I've gone a long. Couldn't be happier...:bailando:

001 is 007 in disguise.......:risas2:....
Welcome 001 why not post somepics of your missus?? That always goes down well unlike Mrs Marshy who needs bribes before any of that lark ffs
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