Help, advice, what went wrong...

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I rarely sub work out to guys I don't know now because of this happening
I always pop out on to jobs to take a look at subbies work before payment also
Always turn work down if Im busy/they dont wanna wait, never sub out, dont want the hassle if it goes wrong/theyre s**t!

Also Im not the sort of person to try make money from someone, if I do a job for a builder for example I still charge him my usual rate, so I see it that if I pay another spread to do a job, why wouldnt they expect what Id expect for it! And if it wasnt itd only be peanuts that Id make on him! I like keeping my life simple, Im busy, wait, or find someone else, stress free life over extra wedge always wins for me :birra:
Always turn work down if Im busy/they dont wanna wait, never sub out, dont want the hassle if it goes wrong/theyre s**t!

Also Im not the sort of person to try make money from someone, if I do a job for a builder for example I still charge him my usual rate, so I see it that if I pay another spread to do a job, why wouldnt they expect what Id expect for it! And if it wasnt itd only be peanuts that Id make on him! I like keeping my life simple, Im busy, wait, or find someone else, stress free life over extra wedge always wins for me :birra:
Id rather have hassle and sub work out always give lads a fair wage I price there day rate wat a spread wud be expected to earn on day rate for a day where he's not busting his balls etc and just add on top wat we want if there say no b*ll***s we don't do it if there say yes its free money so doing abit of ringing around
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