Help please..Bad painting

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Hello fellas skimmed a hallway over artex a few weeks ago went back to price more work the hall is a discrace. He has painted straight on with an old tin of vinyl silk shiney thick lines everywhere he's tried to fill out a few bits but not sanded the polly filler enough and went straight over this with more thick shiny silk. The guy admits its the painting job but asked if I could tidy up the few bits, any reccomended fillers work over silk? Can he now matt over the silk once sorted or will that. It work?
i thought that, was it the skimming that was sh!t or are you saying he got lines in his paint?? must have been thick paint
also are you being a plasterer asking for some advice on filler??
yeah i dont get it either .... unless he's painted the wall with his hand then i dont see how filler is needed .... unless your skimming is wavey and uneven??
Silk paint is time consuming to sand off because it will melt and clog sand paper. Ask him to sand down the filler and lines left by the silk paint and leave him to his own devices. You shouldn't become involved in work that you have already finished. If he had issues with your skimming he should have asked you resolve the problem before laying on loads of silk :-)
Why not just tell him you can cover it with bonding agent then re skim but say his gotta pay again though, if it's not your fault. Yes you can paint with matt if silk been sanded but if you got bits of filler every where its gonna show again.If I understood what you was saying properly I think a reskim is best option :RpS_scared:
No the skimming was and still is fine but his old tin of silk he found in the shed has made a mess of it so he has tried to fill bits with filler but not sanded that down and put more of his s%itty silk over it
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