Help? Thanks all

Okay mate so shall I just bond it straight than? Bring the bonding down and feather onto plasterboard?
Yeah just use a bit of bonding if the gaps big.
Don't forget to scrim it either way.
Then just get lid on.
Then ping a line across and use duck/duct/cloth tape above the line
Feather wall skim into the tape
Remove once done.
If your not competent enough to get a straight line freehand which is difficult it's the easiest way to get a straight line.

Don't lather it on at the tape otherwise you'll get a Ridge. Make sure you feather it into the tape.
It will look bob on when done
Because my misses isnt right in the head.
In fact shes f**k**g crazy.
Most of them are, we have a washing machine sitting on the patio the past 6 months exposed to the elements, I can't get rid of it cos she reckons it will be good for a rental lol
@reeves I don't get ya about pinning line and with the tape matey I'm sorry...
Use a chalk line from one end of the wall to the other at the ceiling line where it meets the wall.
It's just to give you a straight line.
All the tape is doing is aiding you while your skimming it so you don't have to be so precise as the tape when removed will make the line for you
Rather crude diagram but does this help?

Skim the ceiling
Then ping the chalk line (red line) at the top of the wall/bottom of ceiling
Put the tape on top of the line
Skim wall as normal up to tape
Help? Thanks all
Rather crude diagram but does this help?

Skim the ceiling
Then ping the chalk line (red line) at the top of the wall/bottom of ceiling
Put the tape on top of the line
Skim wall as normal up to tape
View attachment 16214

Hahaha what the f**k are you smoking there nothing on tele !!!
Im quite impressed to be honest.
Can you show us a design for the wallpaper ??
Hahaha what the f**k are you smoking there nothing on tele !!!
Im quite impressed to be honest.
Can you show us a design for the wallpaper ??
Beats writing quotes out all night like I have been doing!
Difficult to draw straight on a phone.
I can see multi coloured flowers for the wallpaper.
Maybe an orange ceiling.
But don't forget the grow light in the corner