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i think you can see from my new look profile pic how upset i'm feeling about your comments christopher "W" :P
that pictures for you chris .... enjoy it buddy :P
platinum said:
i think you can see from my new look profile pic how upset i'm feeling about your comments christopher "W" :P
that pictures for you chris .... enjoy it buddy :P
another profile of a [email protected]i, all the info you need is on this forum, just look for it. people get pizzed off repeating themselves.
of course del your absolutely right ................ and i apologise for any time you may have wasted on myself......... please understand i do this only because i have a dream.......... the dream of one day like your self ........ of becoming the ulllllllllllllltimate! plasterer........ don't crush my dream del ..... don't crush my dream :-*
I'm just trying to help here Plati but I'll say again, when you wet trowel a ceiling or wall there shouldn't be any excess water left on the wall or ceiling, not "nothing major" but [b]none[/b].
problem is that whilst you think you know everything you learn f'ck all platinum...
w'nker i may be but i speak my mind..
youre still a d'ck..
Chris W said:
problem is that whilst you think you know everything you learn f'ck all platinum...
w'nker i may be but i speak my mind..
youre still a d'ck..

Now this should be the website header!
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