
I used K1 on Friday scratch Saturday and absolutely perfect. Got caught with my pants down on this one
Yes, but the temperatures are different now and much higher at night. This is the time of the year you can get caught easily. I did last year on 15 m2 panel and broke 2 refina scrapes on it . Couldn’t use the ibar at all.
Yes, but the temperatures are different now and much higher at night. This is the time of the year you can get caught easily. I did last year on 15 m2 panel and broke 2 refina scrapes on it . Couldn’t use the ibar at all.

I've just rendaid it and will get on first thing tomorrow, yeh same here I bar wasn't doing anything other than wake the customer
April is a hard one to call for Renderer's.
But it's knowing your stuff and product.this time last week it was 7c in the day, today 24c next week it gives it 10c.
We fked a panel of parex on side of an extension when I had problems with the machine, it’s started spraying it out like water and I tried to fix it then ended up mixing some up in a bucket and finishing it but you could see where it joined. Spoke to parex rep and he told me just to go Straight back over it with another 10mm as long as it was within a couple of days. Put 10mm stop beads on it and went straight over and had no problems whatsoever.
I literally feel your pain. Had a hard next day scrape last week followed by a long wait for a same day scrape. Can't win.