Hernia problems

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Ok lads am struggling with a hernia, av been over doing it and know its takeing its toll on me. Has anybody had one and what operation did u have? Also how long will i be out of action for? cheers.
Good luck with your op. Hope you recover soon.

This is what I mean about plastering, it tears you apart. How can the govt expect us to reach 66 in this job?
i just like doctors cupping my balls and coughing..........................:RpS_thumbup:
Never had one myself but a boy I work with had the op and was out of action for 6 weeks.:-0
Had both sides done one when 18 second at 22 now 43 and still holding well was out of action for 6 weeks on both but did artexa ceiling after 3 weeks on the second one worst part about it was the nurse that has a look at wound was my x girlfriends mum
Had the op 8 yrs ago, paid £2,500 and went private ,had keyhole surgery ,was off work two and half weeks. worst part was the staples instead of stitches. been fine since good look. dsdave
I had a hernia when I was 26 it was agony... I got mine fixed privately but had a car crash 2 weeks later.... agony.

Mine still aches
Had the "3rd knacker" about 12 years ago :RpS_scared:
I had it for about a month before I would go to the docs, sh!tting meself cos I didn't know what it was.
Straightforward op though, with six weeks recovery as said. :RpS_thumbup:
I had 1 done 12 years ago, most of my family has had 1,they all had keyhole surgery and were back on there feet after 2 weeks.I had 19 staples and was of for 6 weeks.It was agony for 5 days and uncomfortable for weeks.I had the sensation it was going to burst every night when asleep in bed for about 2 years after having it done, Doc reckons its just tails on the back of the scar.After having the op my nuts went black, one was like a tennis ball and the other like a ping pong ball.

Cant wait to have it done again.
my old man had a hernia behind his belly button but he had quite a big gut so when the hernia popped out it looked like he had a knob on his belly:RpS_lol:, he went to the pub one night and had drawn a bell end on it stood at the bar poked it out his shirt and ploped it on the bar haha, landlady was not happy
yep i have a small one like that ! i hope its not going to get bigger.......please state where these hernias are when posting chaps so we can imagine it lol................
Mine was ingenial.... ie intestine squeezing into my scrotum.... agony

Hernia problems
LongStroke, Have it done privately if you can. After the assessment they can even book you in the next day. Wait for the weather to warm up a bit and that will aid your recovery. You'll be out for a few weeks (maybe 4-8 weeks before you can do ceilings again) but it's better to get it over with now than to keep deferring the operation :)
I had 1 done 12 years ago, most of my family has had 1,they all had keyhole surgery and were back on there feet after 2 weeks.I had 19 staples and was of for 6 weeks.It was agony for 5 days and uncomfortable for weeks.I had the sensation it was going to burst every night when asleep in bed for about 2 years after having it done, Doc reckons its just tails on the back of the scar.After having the op my nuts went black, one was like a tennis ball and the other like a ping pong ball.

Cant wait to have it done again.

I had the snip through the testicles. Nut as black as grapes and as big as a football. If anyone says having the snip doesn't hurt they are lying. Absolute agony when the anaesthetic wears off.
Guy I work with told me his ex (who sounds like a reet cow btw) picked up the wrong tube of cream in the bathroom and put deep heat on her piles instead of haemorrhoid cream! :RpS_lol:

I had the snip through the testicles. Nut as black as grapes and as big as a football. If anyone says having the snip doesn't hurt they are lying. Absolute agony when the anaesthetic wears off.

I didnt think the op was too bad rigsby... the tip is to wear tight undies.........even tighter than warriors budgie smugglers........Just got wor lass to get me a couple of pairs of spiderman undies from the boys section.........nice and tight..............herd some horror stories about peoples ball sacks filling up with blood etc
had it done about 10 year back when i was a squaddie........they used a TA surgeon he done 6 of us in about an hour..........thats how he got his reserve bounty..................:RpS_thumbup:
had it done about 10 year back when i was a squaddie........they used a TA surgeon he done 6 of us in about an hour..........thats how he got his reserve bounty..................:RpS_thumbup:
Arti !you just put me off my maltesers :RpS_crying:
Mine was like Dannys, that the worst.The belly button is the easiest, key hole through the belly button and back on ya feet quick.

Even if its a bad 1, its only 3 weeks off agony mt.
The best way to treat is to get a Link Removeddone at the earliest. You have to rest for 6 weeks. Normally, post-surgery, you can start walking.

It is better not to strain yourself , lest any complications can pop up. Exercising with heavy weights , jumping, lifting or even cycling is not good. Doctors usually give a list of 'donts'. If they do not give any, ask and take as much rest as possible.

Good Luck!
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