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Just Registered and from what ive seen good banter is on so already love it. Im self taught so be great to learn a few things and have a good laugh. Happy new year to all as well.

Just wait til @zombie sees that.

He's coming down this week but he'll be along in a bit.

Still with a bit of luck he might not notice.
Think lurpak has started this with his alter ego Mike gogglebox!! Come on lurpak own up!!! You got 2 accounts :cachetada:
Hi again
Welcome @SmoothoperatorGl your name on your account is a little too similar to mine could you change it please! Also if you send your account details so we can get you on the system it starts at £49.99 a month standard. If you wish to become a premium member contact me directly by private message! This will be a one off cash payment. Welcome aboard
Accounts team @TPF (y)