Hi from my hospital bed

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New Member
Hi I signed up tonight and thought I would say hello. I had an operation nearly a month ago and it left me paralyzed. I have been on bed rest all this time and have 3 weeks to go until I am up for review or maybe more :RpS_scared: I thought it might be nice to talk shop and get involved a bit now. I worked for myself for 20 years mainly working in large houses doing a bespoke service for the wealthy clients. This looks like my plastering career finished now so any pearls of wisdom I can offer then your more than welcome.

I have to start my day at 6am every day but at first they were giving me 5am starts :RpS_scared: so I have managed to change things there.

Its most likely my plastering career is over now, and I understand that but never say never and am determined to get back on my feet at some point and try and walk again.
Thanks, I am determined to walk again but the biggest struggle is they don't think it will happen here. I have to prove them wrong. I am suing hopefully as my business closed the day I came in for the operation and now having to sell my 4x4, van, and 2 motorbikes to stop my family ending up homeless as you will be well aware that the benefit system won't look after us even in these situations.
Hi Scud
I really hope you come through all this mate and am sure you will maybe teaching plastering could be somethiin you can do
when your well again.
You said when you was working you did bespoke plastering what kind of work was it.
Hi Henry,

Thanks very much but in all honesty I dont think even if I got upright I would ever have the power in my legs or balance but who knows???

I think it was actually a bad choice of words "bespoke" but I actually had a bit of a niche market working in mainly big houses for private clients renovating rooms and covering all floors walls etc and then when I walk out you would never know I had been there. I know how much plasterers hate this and there is a market for it and I earnt a very good living out of it. I would say at least double anyone else. I also did the occasional refurbishment complete and one off new builds but mainly working for private clients.
Sorry Bubbles I missed your thread ??:RpS_crying: I will take a look at that thank you and its very much appreciated. I take it your back plastering again fine?
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