Name one thing? I've said everything you have said Is a lie and proved it so find just one xxThat you are continually wrong
Name one thing? I've said everything you have said Is a lie and proved it so find just one xx
Not a tree in sightGiven everything I have wrote is true and not up for dispute, especially by the liberalist loonie establishments means you sir are wrong.
Not a tree in sight
Good job I shown you the truth, and the other mad thing is she's was interviewed by Ruth Davidson lolI was looking at still photos lol, alls I could see where houses, so that's all,I could report on.
lol I'm not mad, constantly repeating the same lies like a broken robot if anyone is mad it's you, repeating the same lies like a broken RobotSays the pot to the kettle
lol I'm not mad, constantly repeating the same lies like a broken robot if anyone is mad it's you, repeating the same lies like a broken Robot
Gordon you couldn't be more close to truth if you tried hahahahaha I apologise, she did do the roundsNo doubt people have been asked to leave their houses so Tory activists can move in whilst Mrs T May is doing the rounds