

New Member
What things can you look back on and realise they should have been a clue not to go into the game? I have two.I was labouring for a then big Irish company Martin and Dennis.( about 1970) and there was a dispute as to who would do the top floor of a job as the cielings sloped into the walls. At that time on the company there was an unspoken demarcation between the wall guys and ceiling guys,then the supervisor ( a really decent guy called Mick Salmon) piped up,’ whoever does it gets £17’. Even then I thought that’s s**t money for that much work. The second time I was working for Kings Plastering based in Wandsworth and I was trying ,as a labourer to plaster a lobby,never had any training. The boss came round and said those time honoured words………you haven’t done much!
As a labourer, having never touched a trowel or float in anger, being expected (and did) to climb onto a beer crate, balanced on a fifty gallon drum and render the top of a gable end of a house.
No health and safety then.
We had it the other way round when decking out a ceiling.
Beer crate and a 25 gallon drum on top half filled with water to make it more stable.
Wow we have all done some crazy things over the years and still lived to tell the tale!
As a labourer, having never touched a trowel or float in anger, being expected (and did) to climb onto a beer crate, balanced on a fifty gallon drum and render the top of a gable end of a house.
No health and safety then.
I remember in Fulham 1982 in London having 4 scaffold boards through a sash window and 15 bags of carlite finish to counter me to do an apex only a couple of buckets of render but had to put bike clips on me trousers that day!!!
Badvok- you had scaffold boards? Luxury!
They was rotten nearly!!
I nailed some 4x2 of cuts to hold em together!! I had a little bit of that nylon rope round me waist aswell!! Hahaha
I remember in Fulham 1982 in London having 4 scaffold boards through a sash window and 15 bags of carlite finish to counter me to do an apex only a couple of buckets of render but had to put bike clips on me trousers that day!!!
You fat b*****d!! You needed 60st to balance you out! ;)
You fat b*****d!! You needed 60st to balance you out! ;)

I thought ladies never discussed bodyweight?
First job I did was roofing. I had a plank tip soon as I stepped off the ladder by the bottom of the apex.

Plank fell and, by the grace of some subconscious awareness of my surrounding, I threw my arms up and caught a pole. Was hanging there til Brian got up the ladders and hauled me in :frio:
I’m to young to join in these oap section posts , but I can say on one job I was skimming Hallstairs and landing and saw a dog jump up pee full bore on the centre of double bed in a room told my mate that was there too he said that’s disgusting, next day we went back and my friend said you better look up here I went he opened the bedroom door a jar and sure enough the same sheets where still on but obvious that customer had slept in the bed too through the night

we get all the good jobs mate