Hop ups/work platforms

On the advice of other TPFers, I bought a couple of Rhinos.


They're good for their height, but they creak a lot and they're not the most stable design - you have to remember to kick the legs as wide apart as possible, or they sway end-to-end, which is a pain. I'm still glad I bought them, as most hop-ups don't go as high, but for lower jobs, I'd like something a bit more user-friendly.

Does anyone know what make/model is used in this video? Looks relatively creak-free and stable.
(not interested in the plastering method, just asking about the platform!):



  • Hop ups/work platforms
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I'm sure this a common problem with us vertically gifted individuals I need to find a work platform that's 300mm high. I can't find anything i don't want a stool I already have one and I can't use stilts and don't wanna buy them I'll probably just end up on my arse staring at the ceiling instead any ideas?
stand on your sledge santa lol
I've got the Rhino Adjustable, has decent safety locks but wobbles unless you kick the legs out. You need an extra step up to get on it when at full height. Thinking about making my own stretcher-bar to hold it firmer, but has a good length platform.
On the advice of other TPFers, I bought a couple of Rhinos.


They're good for their height, but they creak a lot and they're not the most stable design - you have to remember to kick the legs as wide apart as possible, or they sway end-to-end, which is a pain.

I've got the Rhino Adjustable, has decent safety locks but wobbles unless you kick the legs out. You need an extra step up to get on it when at full height. Thinking about making my own stretcher-bar to hold it firmer, but has a good length platform.

I've been thinking about trying an elasticated luggage strap to keep the legs fully open.

Hop ups/work platforms
Uh Uh, doesn't work. pulls the legs up but not out. plus you can trip or wear out the bungee on the platform.
Chunk of wood with a couple of slots in at each end to fit over the bottom bars, pretty much a wedge fit. If you do use the bottom step then either put it on to one side or t'other, or make the stretcher out of a bit of plank/ply with some bits of wood screwed on underneath on the ply to hook over the step.

I'm sure it could also be made lighter out of a bit of ally channel etc from B&Q/wherever, just haven't thought it further.
Think I like the ply with maybe a turnbuckle sort of thing out of wood or metal strap so it doesn't pop out when moving it, bungee to hold it all together in the van.
These are the hop-ups that Refina used to sell. They're lightyears ahead of £20-£50 ones you can buy. Probably last longer than your back.
Double the price of the refina ones and some , but they are very good like you said , not sure i could shell out for one now tho lol .
I'm sure this a common problem with us vertically gifted individuals I need to find a work platform that's 300mm high. I can't find anything i don't want a stool I already have one and I can't use stilts and don't wanna buy them I'll probably just end up on my arse staring at the ceiling instead any ideas?
Pop into local fabricators and ask them to make one to your specific sizes
I have 3 refinas and 2 werner
Refina very good but cant lock the legs away!
Werner very strong light and store away flat in your van, half the price of refina. Would like to see a longer version too.
I have 3 refinas and 2 werner
Refina very good but cant lock the legs away!
Werner very strong light and store away flat in your van, half the price of refina. Would like to see a longer version too.
A longer version would be brilliant. I'm not sure if you've seen but they do a version in the states that interlock with each other to give as long a bench as you want.
Everbuild Anti-Slip Tape Black 10m x 50mm | Safety & Hazard Tapes | Screwfix.com

56% off £4.39 for these hopups