I know, and I agree, but there are as many circumstances as there are people. Imagine for example in February you completed on your first buy to let as an investment for the future and security for your pension and family.
You've extended your own mortgage for a deposit and got a BTL mortgage. You can cover the payments, just. So all's well while you're working and you're doing the work on the new place at weekends and evenings.
Then this hits and it's game over because you can't pay one mortgage let alone two. You have the house in a state that it can't be let or sold and whilst you can have a mortgage holiday you're just racking up more debt and doubling/trebling the time until you can let it.
You've done nothing wrong, been quite sensible in many ways. Yet now you're faced with financial ruin or working in poor circumstances. What do you do?
I use that example because I did exactly that some years ago. It all worked out fine for me because it went to plan. But I know exactly what I'd be doing if I was in that position, and I'd argue anyone else would do the same. You're not going to lose the lot over a might or maybe.