How do?

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New Member
Hi im kev been a plasterer for about 8 years now, work for a building company in the northwest doing renovation as well as new builds. I have experience in all types of plastering but am always lookinbg for fresh tips and tricks, and stumbled across this site whilst researching tools on google. Liking what i've seen so far so cant wait to contribute and learn off others :RpS_biggrin:
I was looking to see what all the fuss was about with these magic sponges, I learned the proper off an old timer who would rap me on the back of my legs with a podger if i talked about doing it a "new" way. The thread on here about them popped up on google, not convinced myself, but each to their own lol. Oh and then iwas looking at boudoir products haha.
Welcome along :-)

I think its a case if you an do it then fair play :-) Spunky appears to be the sponge master :-)

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