How many coats?

How many coats?

  • Always two

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Always one

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mostly one (two on bad walls)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mostly two (one on good walls)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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New Member
Do you always use two coats or do you think you can get away with one on certain walls?

I generally do two coats but on some walls it seems pointless when one coat gives the same result in half the time.

Do you agree or not?
Hello Mate
I have only been plastering for just over a year and was taught right from the go to always two coat and this is what I do. i have read just about every thread on all the plastering forums and this argument comes up quite regulary, most seem to go with two coats thou quite alot of guys do one coat and say the finish is perfect, to be honest when I have done one coat its been fine and I have started to wonder if I am two coating out of guilt because most people seem to say its the right way to do it. I personally think that the most important aspect of our job is to walk out of a clients house leaving them with perfect walls and a spotless room so what I have decided to do is plaster a full room in my house doing half the walls 2 coat and half 1 coat ( but putting the same amount of plaster on ) let them dry, paint up and see if there is any difference, if not thats me 1 coating from now on.
think this comes under the board vs reskim argument...just about get away with it on board but ill defy anyone NOT to achieve a much better finish with 2 coats on a reskim...if not you aint doin it right...
be interesting to see your results johnathon :-/
Hello Mate
There is a guy on another forum who has been plastering for over 20 years and is incredibly fast but his work is perfect as so many people have commented on it who have used him, anyway one of the threads was asking how long to wait between coats and this guy replied that he applies one coat then sticks the next one on straight away, now to me that just seems like sticking one thick coat on and if thats his method you can see how he is so fast.
2 coats is always better especially on roughing or reskim on board you can get away with 1 coat but on most comercial sites they always use tapered edge board and it got a terrible habbit for shrinking back on the joints. but i did work on one site and this bloke 1 coated everything and he was a superb plasterer couldnt fault his work one bit, i have tried it and it dont seem to work out for me so realy its up to the individual wheather you get on with one coating or not.
i always put the first coat on ,clean the bucket and tools flatten first coat have a cup of tea ,clean water for the second coat no water with the trowling till second from last trowel and hey presto ,no chasing walls no sweating ,30 years and mostly happy customers
evening all.. think this comes down to the tradesmen. if your happy with one and get no come back great.but like bod says 2 coats always best.. time is money. i've never mastered one coat finish.
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