how much has wages been affected by immigration?

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New Member
do you think plasterers rates have been affected much from the influx of polish/bulgarian etc... workers?

and do you think that it will have an effect(in any) in the future?

just curious seeing as ive got about six months left of my apprenticship, which after than im gonna start trying to get my own bits and peices of work and eventually wanna work for myself.
i know works quiet at the moment but i was just thinking if there will still be good money in plastering a few years from?
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

there will always be good money to be made in plastering if you are good that is anyway, so stick at it.
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

a saw plenty of plasterers on jobs the day just walkin up the bank wrk musnt be that tight
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

stick in baily as you have nothing to lose, I dont think you would lose out much on private work, but site work has allways been good money but only if you are a good enough to make it on price

the trouble is and trust me this is not a dig at modern day plasterers its just the way it is in todays world

old school plastereing was a propper trade float/set which was skillfull when working on price in large areas,and house bashing, buts its not needed much nowerdays, the problem we have now is 80/90%of plastereing is skim only and to be honest skimming can be picked up fairly easy by most people with a bit of commen sence and the will to work and learn, this is why when u look in your local papers there are loads, just need to look around how many private vans are running around, people can do a 2 week course and learn the basics of skimming ,as apposed to years ago a plasterer had to do a 5 year apprentiship as 80/90% of plastering years ago was float/set and to do it on price you would need at least 1 or 2 years training to get the speed to make money

but good luck m8 if you have done an apprentiship you will be able to get over any problems thrown at you, and you will never be stuck long term looking for work, and you have nothing to fear about the standard of work out there at the momment, the problem you will have is getting a start on jobs and showing what you can do
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

I lost a small hotel in Edinburgh to a Polish squad, think we went in around £8000 mark and they undercut us by around £2500!
4 weeks later got a call from the owner asking if we could go out to "sort a few bits and bobs" and my god what a mess it was. We sorted it at a hefty price mind you ;D Hell mend the cheapskates!
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

I've heard that one way tickets to eastern European country has trebeled sins the credit crunch.!(good) we need good nvq's now !, get out here and show us that our 1.5 % citb levy was not in vein!. as an idea as to how much the moneys can differ from are at the moment are as. if you range your prices between 120-150 tradesman 60-80 labourers + mats per day = work. we can all talk telephone no prices! don.t think I'm being hard out here it's just the way it is.... ;)
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

fook that 200 quid a day or get someother coont in :D
Re: how much has wages been affected by immigratio

there will always be good money to be made in plastering if you are good that is anyway, so stick at it.

I agree !!!! I think its actually been a good thing cos now people are realising if you pay peanuts , you really do just get monkeys !!!!
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