How Much?!


Private Member
Another reason to check when your invoices come through. This is from where I buy regularly so will get sorted. :estudioso:
How Much?!
@Vincey is this not how your invoices look when your doing jobs in unifinish lol
:lol: Stuff you Scotland :bananahappy:
As you know price doesn't matter to me just the finish and time does ..Artex overskim 2hrs 45mins from walking in to walking out :musculoso:
Pick a fault with that f**k*r #unifinish
How Much?!
"Post it painted or don't post it at all...bare plaster don't mean s**t. A picture of wet plaster is like a picture of wet pussy, might look good but could taste like rotten mackerel and ride like a tranquilised mattress " you know who said that? Gandhi