So I've had a fake chimney built which houses my TV. I've also had a narrow rectangle opening made below it which I'm planning to use as a decorative shelf.
Unfortunately I let my dad loose on it who decided the shelf base should be built out of wood, even after I told him not too! I've since had it all plastered and now I'm left with a shelf that the plasterer was unable to plaster due to it being made from wood (urgh) . So the whole chimney has been plastered minus the base of the rectangler opening.
I'm now left with an exposed wooden shelf and the metal trim on show.
To make matters worse the shelf is also slightly on the piss (thanks Dad!)
I'm now not sure what is the best thing to do to rectify the issue. I'm concerned the front edge will now look crap if I stick a plaster board sheet on to it as I'll have a hard edge sat on top of the metal trim thats already been plastered in to the chimney.
Apologies I have no idea if this is making sense to people. I'm judt trying to work out how to fix this diy disaster. Do I use some packers to help straighten it out then stick a plasterboard sheet on top, or do i use a sheet of metal mesh and stick that on top so it can be plastered onto?
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Apologies for the terrible ible pictures, I've just quickly taken them and the shelf is currently a dumping ground while we renovate!
So I've had a fake chimney built which houses my TV. I've also had a narrow rectangle opening made below it which I'm planning to use as a decorative shelf.
Unfortunately I let my dad loose on it who decided the shelf base should be built out of wood, even after I told him not too! I've since had it all plastered and now I'm left with a shelf that the plasterer was unable to plaster due to it being made from wood (urgh) . So the whole chimney has been plastered minus the base of the rectangler opening.
I'm now left with an exposed wooden shelf and the metal trim on show.
To make matters worse the shelf is also slightly on the piss (thanks Dad!)
I'm now not sure what is the best thing to do to rectify the issue. I'm concerned the front edge will now look crap if I stick a plaster board sheet on to it as I'll have a hard edge sat on top of the metal trim thats already been plastered in to the chimney.
Apologies I have no idea if this is making sense to people. I'm judt trying to work out how to fix this diy disaster. Do I use some packers to help straighten it out then stick a plasterboard sheet on top, or do i use a sheet of metal mesh and stick that on top so it can be plastered onto?
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Apologies for the terrible ible pictures, I've just quickly taken them and the shelf is currently a dumping ground while we renovate!