I bar on weber ocr

S a plastering

Private Member
Hi does anyone i bar there weber ocr then sponge up instead of ruling it when its all on when wet wss going to try it this way if it works thanks
Hi does anyone i bar there weber ocr then sponge up instead of ruling it when its all on when wet wss going to try it this way if it works thanks
I barred ocr a few times not the Weber tho but yeh I bar and sponge comes out flat as a f**k and sponges really well used to do it a lot with Sto level cote before topping with amorcoat
As the mucky1 says but you might find as soon as you have opened it up with the ibar the surface soon dries, so don't go too before you get the plastic float on it.

Also watch the bottom of the wall for holding water, it can easily become scoured.
I tried it once and can’t understand how guys do do it but would like to see them in full flow , I did ibar a small wall that I lost in the winter as it got to dark and near enough froze before I could finish it , ibarred it the next morning then sponged it looked great
Yes on new work, on a hack off I'll rend aid or keycoat out and bed mesh and hit it with one coat when cured.
Do you bed mesh in with the rendaid and then go over with stipple roller . Just thinking it’s got to be a fail proof method on all backgrounds surely
I though you were supposed to do two passes . Especially if no scratch coat . I used ocr before in one pass and when it dried you could see every block
Yeah two passes
I though you were supposed to do two passes . Especially if no scratch coat . I used ocr before in one pass and when it dried you could see every block
I always do two passes hence meshing out
I though you were supposed to do two passes . Especially if no scratch coat . I used ocr before in one pass and when it dried you could see every block

You might see the block if it's a coloured render...but if it's OCR and assuming this was going to be painted or thin coated? you are not going to see the block
Do you normally rule off the first pass before putting the second on or just put it all on in one hit?

Depends on the job and material...Fassa KI7 is nice as you can spray a good thick pass...serrated edge, bed mesh in and then do a skim over the top, doesn't have to be same day either. Weber OCR has to go on wet on wet same day...you can't come back and top next day the suction is crazy.

We have done loads of Weber OCR like this guy does it...bed mesh around openings 1 thick pass...silicone on top.
I though you were supposed to do two passes . Especially if no scratch coat . I used ocr before in one pass and when it dried you could see every block
Two passes doesn’t stop blocks showing it’s the thickness normally