I have just had a garden room built and got it plastered. In day light the room looks great but at night when the lights are on you can see imperfections in the finish. The lights are downlights and are right next to the wall (10cm from the edge of the ceiling). Is it unreasonable to expect the wall to look perfect with these light conditions ?
it,s not me ............ok..ok i gave wallcreate a try ,before i went on one of Pauls courses :RpS_blushing:Artex it.............:RpS_thumbup:.is the OP from down Kent way by any chance............:RpS_unsure:
It's all well and good getting the guy back to do it again, but if he didn't do a good job first time do you really expect it to be right if he "trys" again?
If you get him back to do it again it will still be the same,get some one else to do it.
The first coat looks like its not been flattened in.How much were you charged and was it over plasterboard or float and set?I have just had a garden room built and got it plastered. In day light the room looks great but at night when the lights are on you can see imperfections in the finish. The lights are downlights and are right next to the wall (10cm from the edge of the ceiling). Is it unreasonable to expect the wall to look perfect with these light conditions ?