@gps with respect, there are more plasterers in the UK than the ones on this forum, there are many silent members on the forum who may have used it, but we don't know there names on here. I can't comment on the exact amount of projects as I'm not the only one selling it, but I know they have people on full time doing it, so it must warrant it!
Sometimes I really wonder why people try to be innovative and introduce new products to the market! Making your own assumptions on performance, quality etc isn't a fair assessment. Why don't you have a look into it more, try and push the product, win a contract and see how it goes. Then you can be an honest judge.
I honesty don't mind if you don't want to use the product, but why just completely shoot down another string to your bow?
I agree with you, the cost is high. It's a nightmare when costing it, but one thing I have found is this product isn't needing to be sold by ourselves. We have homeowners who need a specific system, they approach us for this material.
It similar to Bauwer, I have sold more of that to homeowners and then recommended plasterers than anything.