Reading between the lines (and there are a lot of them)
@Mcbride666 you're keen on the trade, but sh1tting yourself at the thought of running the business.
You can be the best tradesman in the world, but if you can't run a business you shouldn't be self employed. Not everyone wants to do it, and not everyone can do it. No shame in that, I've known plenty of good people over the years who couldn't run a bath never mind a business. Doesn't mean they weren't good at their trade.
You say the business isn't going to be an easy walk. I have to say you're wrong about that. What you have described is without doubt the easiest way you will EVER get to own a business. If that worries you, then I would suggest self employment isn't for you. No criticism, just how it looks.
One thing you said about the business jumped out at me amongst all the other really good things about it (trust me, there are!).
There's no one else in the area that you can work for as no one else does fibrous.
Just have a think about what that means, and what a massive opportunity it would be to start a business in that position. Then consider how much better it is to have a 50 year old business there.
Your very first massive exposure advert would be free. Contact that paper to do a follow up piece when you take over. The opportunities are huge for you, but they're are only any good if you take them.