job on

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New Member
OH well starting a skimming job on a nhs site tmoz,back in at the deep end.foremans supposed to be a right knob as well.see how it goes,ill av to be on top form!!:-0
Most foerman go home and cry themselves to sleep get the odd one you want to take home and make them a delicious meal and stay up all night in front of you're log burner discussing h+s and is anal fingering ok if no one else is around
its not the best when your starting out is it.worked on an off sites for vthe past ten years ya dick:RpS_biggrin:but not as a plasterer.gotta start somewhere ant ya mate
youve never been on site in your life
its not the best when your starting out is it.worked on an off sites for vthe past ten years ya dick:RpS_biggrin:but not as a plasterer.gotta start somewhere ant ya mate
you got the wrong end of the stick there i was replying to kebab king so in short your the fcuking dick c**t
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