just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!!

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New Member
hey there fellow men i'm in need of some help!!!!!
i've been plastering for about 4 years now, i came into it quite late at 24 but i was very keen and thats why i got a trainee job with a company based in birmingham called grimes finishings. great family buisness, they put me through collage and i won young plasterer of thr year at collage. passed everything that i was required to. joined a gang of skimmers who taught me everything that i know to date. we were working on new build sites, mostly taylor whimpy, but as i'm sure you all know the building trade is in a nose dive at the moment. which led to them making me redundant!!!! which is s**t cause i've got a big mortgage, loans, a 4 year old and another one due any day and i'm shitting myself cause i cant seem to get any work with any companys anywhere. they'er saying they cant take anyone on at the current time due to the housing market!!!

so this is where i need your help mates, what are my options??
do any of you have any advice?? shall i put an advert in papers?? do any of you have any contacts???

if anyone can help you would make my day. cheers
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

i think that most of the spreads on the forum get alot of work from local paper ads why dont you give it a go if you know any joiners get in touch with them you can sometimes get them to throw a bit of work your way cant think of any other advice than that other than try something else ;)
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

agencies mate, hays recruitment are construction specialists, long as you got the cscs your ok...theres work about, you just gotta keep tryin...
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

agencies mate, hays recruitment are construction specialists, long as you got the cscs your ok...theres work about, you just gotta keep tryin...
oh i agencies forgot bout them :o
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

oh dear mate sounds like you really have landed in the sh*t hole ant u :o..like the other guys are sayin just keep ringing round builders etc..put ad in the paper, but all this will not give you a steady flow of work(money) which is sounds like you really need ...
try job center web site ive had few jobs from it.....good luck mate ;)
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

youre not the only one mate were all gonna be in the turd soon apparently :(.........dont panic get a council house and when the government realise weve all got the begging bowl out well have to build more houses :D..........sorted ;)
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

there is quite a bit of work for patching and snagging mate at the min, nobody wants to do it, but its £120 a day some places.
try doing the above but also try ringing plastering firm and ask if their is any snagging work needs doin.
have references ready because there is a lot of really s**t lads around at the min who say they are plasterers but can just about skim a small wall, and make a rigth fookin mess.
if you get on with some1 work your bollox off, put the hours in and the company may offer you more work.

re: hays construction-garbage, they have not offered me anything in the 2 yrs been signed up to them.
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

Go self-employed, have cards printed, tell everyone you come into contact with your a v good plasterer, sell yourself, private/domestic work will always be there if you get price right and provide a good clean service.
Re: just been made redundant can anyone help me!!!

re: hays construction-garbage, they have not offered me anything in the 2 yrs been signed up to them.

must admit i got offered one job, knocked it back and didnt get offered anything after that..its a simbiotic relationship with an agency - you look after them and they take the piss out of you financially, but keep goin for em and theyll keep you in work, providing your willing to travel, wait for your money, and do what your told....
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