Deleted member 23452
I’d be game! Would be quite funny! I think larrys donated enough though!
Joking aside, that actually would be forcing/shaming people into donating. It'd also end up just being the people who've already donated getting entered into it and one donating again.
Hate to say it but im with @lurpak on this.
Pushing people to feel obligated to donate will eventualy mean people will just get pissed off with it and people will not want to get involved.
Certainlt dont appreciate @imago post to rally funds even though his heart is in the right place as its not needed.
Tbf we could all have a charity in mind every week but like @lurpal says where do you draw the line.
I lost my best mate and work partner around 2years ago to cancer and his now widow has set up a charity for familys going through similar etc and as admirable as it is its now starting to grate a few of us with the constant events we feel obliged to get involved in and fund every other month.
Is @lurpak an Asian lad then?

As for your point, I understand where you're coming from, and we all have to decide where the cut off is.
I can't say I'm bothered if you appreciate the post or think it's needed tbh. If it makes people uncomfortable then I'm sure you/they will get over it. It's not blackmail, I have no influence with anyone to force them, and if they have strong feelings one way or the other it won't change that.
However if a couple of people donate that hadn't then that's great, if they don't then nothing's lost.