lads I've put tons of parex throuhg my G5,I've got a small extension to do and the existing house is Krend buttermilk.Does the k1 go through ok?Cheers
i would use a D6-3 soft, d4-2 clampable or d6-3 clampable. I find any coloured K rend needs a softer rotor and stator for trouble free spraying.lads I've put tons of parex throuhg my G5,I've got a small extension to do and the existing house is Krend buttermilk.Does the k1 go through ok?Cheers
Thanks iani would use a D6-3 soft, d4-2 clampable or d6-3 clampable. I find any coloured K rend needs a softer rotor and stator for trouble free spraying.
We tried k1 spray last week on ritmo and it clogged up so we scrapped the hopper out and cleaned the r+s to find some dry gear (school boy error) did the same again to find it was wet then dry and kept stopping the mixing shaft like stutter/pause so cleaned it out and no dry powder???? Brand new r+s only done 80m2 is K-rend gone s**t???
How much butt ??OK this sounds like the rotor and stator was not suitable.
I have seen this regularly on g4 and ritmo . Coloured k rend does not seem to mix easily like other products.
The solution recommended by us is simply a d6-3 soft stator for the 3 phase machines or a clampable stator on the ritmo.
The standard d6-3 is just too tight for the k rend which makes the machine struggle everytime it starts up.
PFT have developed the soft maintenance free stator for difficult materials like K rend. You will get 20 plus tons out of the D6-3 soft if used correctly with no need to alter anything you allready have.
Had a nightmare spraying this yesterday cap kept blowing of as dry mix kept blocking the gun up and sprayed like piss new d-63 on there do you think this could be down to r+s ?? Machine kept stopping and had to shout down to lad to keep manually pressing on button to get going any one ever had this, first time using Krend products through machine we always use parex and Webber with no probs
i always recommend a clampable stator for any coloured k rend. we will soon have the b4 2 L soft maintenance free@pft Wales I'm looking for a set up for spraying thin coat textures need compressor and gun is the gentilin compressor any good for the money???
Was it K1 spray or Silicone?
You will be fine using a D6,3 we also have the Kachele D,6-3 with a slightly softer rubber if you think that will help. Personally, I don't think a softer rubber is 100% necessary as we have a number of guys using standard versions with success.
K-rend has notoriously been hard to use with these type of machines for a number of years. This is where the mixing technology of the M-tec range comes into its own.
he has allready stated he had a fail trying to use a d6 3. he even states he was spraying very wet and it was a brand new rotor and stator .
also states never had a problem before and first time with k rend.