k rend/webber

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New Member
thinking about going on a goldtrowel k rend course soon £300 weekend.
is there much differance in the two i know theres differant types ect but is it the same sort of thing putting it on scrapeing it back.
meshing up and beading ect

me and a good mate are thinking about doning it then starting out doing mono jobs.

is the k-rend course the one to go for or is there a better corse on the market?
the course at gold trowel is out side and in the real set up not just a small panel
full size walls looks really good.
if any one is in the kent area doing some mono do you mind if me and my mate pop over and see how its works pm me if your ok with us poping over one day
the course is hand applyed not machine
is there much call for hand applyed mono gangs as i know the machine crew smash the arse out of m2
what sort of m2 will a 2 man crew lay on scrape back in a day or scrape back next day what ever

i know you warriour do a lot of mono do you have a machine or render systems have one or is he putting it on by hand
You can't do it by hand mate the course is only there to show you how it can be done, on site they won't let you hand apply it you have to have a machine, You will have to buy a machine don't worry though you make the money back in about 2 houses then all the rest is profit
Webers course is £150 + vat and they will show you how to set up a PFT G4 and spray a wall. You will also do some scraping back. I went and worked with a machine gang for a couple of days (although you can get under their feet) and on my first few days on my own brought in an experienced machine man in case of problems ( and there was a few) . If you buy a machine of PFT Northern or Southern Monkey in your neck of the woods they will train you how to use the machine. There is more to learn about the machine than the application side.

Make sure you are labour only if you go with Weber mono. You will have comebacks and they won't give you back up when you need it. Myself I think Mono is on it's way out. Marmorit are getting architects to go for a thin coat system because of the problems with mono. SAS are doing the same. Too thick and brittle, slightest bit of movement and it cracks. I have yet to see a mono site done in the past what hasn't cracked somewhere. I will like to see the product banned from the market.
never had any probs with weber either, k rend thats another story :mad: .
if im specing my own jobs ill use parex.
thinking about going on a goldtrowel k rend course soon £300 weekend.
is there much differance in the two i know theres differant types ect but is it the same sort of thing putting it on scrapeing it back.
meshing up and beading ect

me and a good mate are thinking about doning it then starting out doing mono jobs.

is the k-rend course the one to go for or is there a better corse on the market?
the course at gold trowel is out side and in the real set up not just a small panel
full size walls looks really good.

good grief, thats all the rendering world needs.
the site i went on with Southern Monkey (redrow)
there was some houses that had been put on by hand
and looked good.
as for machines what you think is best then ritmo as it mite pay to be able too ue it in side on finish
will it spray mono like k-rend wedder pral M mp-75 and muilti maybe even hardwall ?????????
or even tubed gear like sto render
You can only use one machine to apply mono mate and that's a screed pump putzmeisters probably the best
Ignore em Dom we need more good reindeers out there and you should be able to apply 50-80m2m2 per man per day scraped and finished and at £20-£25 per m2 labour only you can make good money, thats why no one wants to give advice about it they all want the reindeers for themselves, get you self on a course sharpish
How comes all these training providers are in the south. Shirley there must be mono traing providers up north.. ideally newcastle??????. The only one i know is Durham render and you have to buy a machine to get on there 1 day course.....The mind boggles
How comes all these training providers are in the south. Shirley there must be mono traing providers up north.. ideally newcastle??????. The only one i know is Durham render and you have to buy a machine to get on there 1 day course.....The mind boggles

Cos us northerners know what were doin, unlike the soft southern shandy suppin tossers, "MATE"
I,m in Kent mate .try not to do out render this time of year.Go on a weber training day will help you alot ,the rest your learn with time . We use machine (G4) and hand for smaller jobs
Dom, you need a buisness plan mate.
1 Learn to drive.
2 Get a van.
3 Get some plastering toolz, and dont sell them.
4 Learn to plaster.
5 Learnt to render.
6.Stop going of on other whims,if you can get to Farnborough come and work wif me.

Go on the G.T Krend course, it will do you good.
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