Knauf Airless Day At Immingham

Just getting going


  • Knauf Airless Day At Immingham
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Just after 5) am and back to the hotel :birras:so im just Giving you all 3 rings to let you know that im safe and sound.
wont be quite the same going shopping with @clemo for brews instead of pints later:(.
A massive thanks to @Danny for sorting the day and indeed driving all this way north to buy us a beer(y)
To knauf for the hospitality extended to us.
it was a most educational day, a big thanks aswell to Graham and Clive (@quinns) from knauf for the training and also for not over complicating things, while being succinct and to the point while Keeping it honest and simple enough for me to understand is a skill in itself.
Maximum respect to flynny also to coming out for some beers and being an all round decent fella.
Doug @evs04 very nice to meet you, and was good to catch also up with the usual suspects again too .(y).
hopefully i will post Some coherent thoughts on the actual airless plaster system
once I've tucked Pete and Keith In ....
Just after 5) am and back to the hotel :birras:so im just Giving you all 3 rings to let you know that im safe and sound.
wont be quite the same going shopping with @clemo for brews instead of pints later:(.
A massive thanks to @Danny for sorting the day and indeed driving all this way north to buy us a beer(y)
To knauf for the hospitality extended to us.
it was a most educational day, a big thanks aswell to Graham and Clive (@quinns) from knauf for the training and also for not over complicating things, while being succinct and to the point while Keeping it honest and simple enough for me to understand is a skill in itself.
Maximum respect to flynny also to coming out for some beers and being an all round decent fella.
Doug @evs04 very nice to meet you, and was good to catch also up with the usual suspects again too .(y).
hopefully i will post Some coherent thoughts on the actual airless plaster system
once I've tucked Pete and Keith In ....
Oh dear 5 am I think I made the right choice to go home :) nice meeting you mate and also @theclemo and @Vincey glad you got home safe xx
Can't believe Pete made it to 5am
Yep , I was strolling through the streets trying to make my way home , was ideal seen all the historical buildings and architecture, and tbh feel quite fresh now , plus I out drank the Irish c**t :numberone: again

Yep , I was strolling through the streets trying to make my way home , was ideal seen all the historical buildings and architecture, and tbh feel quite fresh now , plus I out drank the Irish c**t :numberone: again

Did u f**k. Me and Scott drink from 10am to 5am :birra:
Hardly a strong drink calling is it even us southerners have something a bit stronger like a lager top