Anyone else find it crap to work with compared to other brands. Goes off too quick.
Everyone cuts first i thought? **** me it must take a minute to move you're boardsI've tried the minimum of mixing with it, - seems to make no difference to me. On a wall with lots of services I might cut boards first, but not a normal straight wall with a few switches- I don't have time to do things twice, putting up, taking down and putting back up again is not a very efficient way to work on a price. Day rate is obviously another matter !!
Agree BG stinks but I reckon it's best to work with. each to his own I guess.
aha I thought it would be something like that, own brands normally are. probably says on the bag somewhere if id bothered to look. Which national merchants sell knauf rather than gyproc?
I agree with dan you are doing the job twice, I cut all my reveals first then cut as i go its a lot neater.I cut my boards about an inch and a half short, mark my backboxes with a bit of board then use the foot lever, lift it, bang it then cut it out, it doesnt need packers coz it sits on the backbox. If its a full board next, i do the same cut it short dab then lift it, but only pack one side so the board rests on the other board. When im cutting a board using the tape, i usually use all the board around the house, if i need a strip say 35" (yes i still work in inches) i will walk around the gaff looking where the other 12" will go, i might get 3 or 4 strips for the sides of doors or where ever. Also i always cut the biggest bit i need off the board measuring from the floor so im not bending down cutting thin strips. i always use the rasp on every cut incase i get to use the bit thats over on something later, leaving a smooth edge so i can use my tape and knife to cut. I hardly have any waste at the end of a house which means less cleaning up, Also when im boarding the ceilings if there are any long thin strips to go up i will leave them till im dabbing and then maybe that 12" strip i spoke of earlier will fit![]()
Depends andy doves and mkm sometimes have it in but have also had it from jewsons before !
I know what u mean about jewson i popped into one the other week cos i needed a roll of 100mm joint tape sharpish and i just laughed and walked straight back out when they asked for £13.45.Jewsons... good god you need your credit card clear when you go in there.shocking prices. And yet when youre buying a lot they can be cheaper than anyone. I prefer Burrels but im pretty sure they only do gyproc.