Currier have u used a sponge when spraying
Yer i've decided sponge is the way, you can finish without but I think its worth it. got to hit it at the right time otherwise its pointless
Rich can you get the guys to setup some internal and external corners and ceilings. When ever we have gone to any training days they never do them and they are the hardest parts to finish when spraying. Ceilings are where most people doubt sprayings suitablity as they think its gonna get mess every where
5 bedroom house. With big square rooms :RpS_biggrin:
Get some vids up
In co Louth. Was to start it this week then got a text to say its not ready :RpS_cursing: Could have phoned. Any time I do talk to him he try's to get the price down. He is a dick. He text me at 11.45 one night
so your not coming on the 18th december then?
knauf, decided to try out the MP hand applied skim, so called knauf twice .. 1st time spoke to a nice lad in the technical dept, but really needed someone who was an actual plasterer, so 2nd call was to the training centre.. both calls promised a call back... therefore i will stick to BG.. after all I been using it 30 years.. just thought i would see what the score was with the knauf product.. also was told i would recieve an email from knauf with the technical info on their plasters... guess what.. zilcho... oh well.. no big deal
Would never happen with BG ! They sort thing out pronto.:RpS_thumbup: like unifinish ....strong bags etc.etc.:rolleyes)